Mobile Apps
Mobile App 2.22

Shoppers must update to iOS 15 or greater to receive updates
What Changed
Shoppers using Apple devices will now need to update to iOS 15 or greater to continue receiving mobile app updates. Shoppers will still be able to access version 2.21 of your app when using iOS 14, so no shopper's access to the mobile app will be interrupted with this change. Push notifications will continue without interruption for devices on iOS 14.
We don't anticipate this to impact a large number of shoppers, as our records indicate less than 3% are still using iOS 14.
To receive future updates, you may need to encourage your shoppers to upgrade to the latest version of iOS. To proactively communicate this change, we recommend verbally reminding your audience during a live sale or making a social post.
Recommended language: "Please remember to upgrade your Apple Devices to iOS 15 or greater to see the most recent version of our mobile app!"
Where to Find It
Shoppers can update to iOS 15 or greater by going to
Settings > General > Software Update
on their Apple device. They can then select Download and Install
to download the most recent version of iOS.Why We Love It
In supporting only iOS 15 or greater, we can take advantage of Apple's updated functionality and deliver a smoother shopper experience on the mobile app.