


Release Train 11/16/22

New Shooting Stars Report
What Changed
We've added four new reports to help you notice when certain shoppers are starting to buy more- or when their spending is slowing down.
  1. Shooting Stars
    - Best Shoppers. These shoppers rank in the top 5% in the last 180 days for spending.
  2. Rising Stars- Shoppers Spending More than Usual
    . These shoppers' spend does not rank in the top 5% in the last 180 days, but ranks in the top 5% in the past 60 days.
  3. At Risk Stars- Shoppers Spending Less than Usual
    . These shoppers usually rank in the top 5% in the last 180 days, but have not made a purchase in the past 20 days.
  4. Lost Stars- Former Shooting Stars
    . These shoppers ranked in the top 5% in the last 365 days, but have not made a purchase in more than 40 days.
For more information on these reports, check out this article in our Help Center.
Where to Find It
Navigate to
Reports > Shooting Stars.
Note: If your report is blank, you may not have any qualifying "star" customers. If no shoppers have spent $1,000 in the last 180 days, no Shooting Stars exist for your shop.
Why We Love It
These new reports make it easier to see which Shoppers are the most impactful to your business, allowing you to give additional support or love to your rising stars!
Google Analytics Events Update
What Changed
For retailers working with a third-party marketing partner (or have a strong understanding of Google Analytics), this update allows you to enter your Measurement Protocol API. This API allows for more in-depth insight into customer purchase events.
Where to Find It
For information on how to enable additional GA4 events via Measurement Protocol API, please reference our help center documentation here.
Why We Love It
Google Analytics helps you can track the virtual locations your shoppers come from (such as linked ads, social media, web searches), analyze your shoppers' behavior on your site, and gain insight on conversion rates.
Removed Bulk Editing from Product Selections
What Changed
In response to multiple error reports, we have removed the checkboxes on product selections that allowed for bulk editing. We will be looking to bring back the bulk edit functionality in the future with added safeguards against bulk deletion. However, this update is a short term solution to protect your inventory during the busiest time of the year!
Where to Find It
You'll notice this update on the
Why We Love It
We received multiple reports from customers accidentally deleting a significant batch of products, which required manual updating to fix. This update eliminates the risk associated with deleting a large group of products.
Set Up Google Merchant Center Data Feed
What Changed
We've released a new integration with Google Merchant Center to manage how your product inventory appears on Google Search.
Where to Find It
For more information on using Google Merchant Center, check out this article in our Help Center.
Why We Love It
Google Merchant Center makes it easy to reach thousands of Shoppers each day across Search, Shopping, YouTube, and the web!