



Release Train 5/4/22

Faster Load Times [Webstore]
What Changed
We optimized our Webstore to create faster page loading times!
Where to Find It
You'll see these improvements on all Webstore loading screens.
Why We Love It
Faster page loading means less frustration for your shoppers! This change will create a better shopping experience on your Webstore.
Edit Font Color of Slideshow Text [Webstore]
What Changed
You can now select a color for Slideshow text on the Webstore!
Where to Find It
To change the font color, visit the Webstore Design tab in your CommentSold dashboard. Under Home Page Sections, click the pencil icon next to Slideshow. Then, under Slideshow Content, select the pencil icon on the Slideshow you wish to edit. You will now see a color picker at the bottom of the editing menu.
Why We Love It
Previously, all Slideshow text appeared in white. This limited customization options since selecting a light background would make the text difficult to read. Now, you can edit Slideshows to fit your Webstore branding!
Remove Gray Filter on Waitlist Items [Webstore]
What Changed
Previously, waitlisted items had a gray filter over the product photo to show that the item was currently unavailable. Now, you have the option to remove that filter!
Where to Find It
To remove the filter, visit the Webstore Design tab in your CommentSold dashboard. Click the pencil icon next to General Settings. Then, click the toggle under “Do not fade waitlist item images.”
Why We Love It
This option is great for shops that want to promote waitlist authorizations!
Webstore Troll Control [Webstore]
What Changed
We’ve added a feature that prevents blocked customers from creating a new account with a different email address. The feature is based on the blocked shopper’s IP address, so while it may not be effective 100% of the time, it should substantially reduce the presence of blocked shoppers for your shop.
Where to Find It
This feature is automatically enabled. To block a customer, visit the Customers tab in your CommentSold dashboard. Click the three dot menu next to the customer name and select “Block Customer.”
Why We Love It
This update adds an extra layer of resistance against malicious shoppers!
Variants on Order Confirmation Emails
What Changed
Colors and size selections now appear in a shopper’s order confirmation email!
Where to Find It
This is a shopper-facing update. Shoppers can view their variant selections in the confirmation email they receive upon placing an order.
Why We Love It
Occasionally, shoppers may forget which product variant they ordered. This update will alleviate support load and improve clarity with shoppers.