App - ability to add/edit phone & email
in progress
Jeremy Renaud
Just checking in on the progress of allowing 'a customer' to add their phone # to their App Acct Info at any time, before, during and after a sale is made. Thanks for listening. It should just be a quick field add edit entry code. Take care - J in TX at The BBB
Lindsey Schocke
in progress
Jeremy Renaud
Yes, this is imperative. We literally just helped a customer download the app in our store, showed her how to use it, added something to her waitlist and then discovered, we could not call her if we wanted to because there is no user interface for customers, with in the app, to add their own preferred contact #. That seems like something very easy to fix... just adding another field to the plenty of room on this page. Thanks so much for listening! We use these phone numbers to call our customers who get wait list items,... because half the time they are never aware their waitlist item came in because they don't check their email often enough... and a quick 30 second phone call can help close the sale. Thanks so much. Jeremy in TX at The BBB
Lindsey Schocke
Merged in a post:
App: Customer Details
Jennifer Simon
Option to edit customer account details without going to the checkout screen