Coupon Type: Birthday Coupon
under review
Tori Smith
Liz Crow
I actually just created a feature request to collect birthdate info on the app under their customer info — it would be a GREAT report to be able to pull monthly. Giving out a birthday coupon would be amazing, but I would also like to give a shout out to customers on their birthdays in the VIP group on Facebook. Hoping this is coming soon!!!
Wanda Pares
Please add the birthday coupon feature!
Amy Breaux
Marrisa Caswell
I am so excited this is under review!!! I love this! I hope there will be a place to not only add a coupon- but get a list- so I can send a card, even if they don’t place an order that month.
Esther Valdez
Would be great to also have this feature on the app as customers sign up
Sarah's paparazzi
I vote yes
Amanda Schaeffer
Merged in a post:
Account - Birthday Field
Shop would like to have a field in customer accounts where they can add their birthday.
Amanda Schaeffer
Merged in a post:
Birthday Credits
Baylee King
What if we had a birthday tracker?! I give my customers a birthday credit of $5 on their birthday and it would be a lot easier if it would automatically do that instead of me having to look at my post about birthdays.
Amanda Schaeffer
Merged in a post:
Birthday Discount Code
Taylor Jarrell
An automatic code sent to each person on their birthday.
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